How to Pick Best Class 4/5 Softswitch and What is the Price?

If you are looking for Best Class 4/5 Softswitch and don’t know much about the what features do you need to check before finalizing any product and what is the price range. In this topic we will cover almost all of Frequently Asked Questions which has been asked to me several times so I decided to write an article on this topic. This article will answer all your questions and will help you to choose best and most economical Softswitch which will fit to your needs.

As we can see there is revolution came in the internet world which led to huge changes in telephone industry as well which made things easier and more effective for Communicating. VoIP Soft-Switch is one of the great invention which connects the Software and telephone calls and make communication cost effective and additional features its like putting icing on the cake. Companies are switching to Soft-Switches from traditional switches. Main function of Softswitch is Signaling, Routing, Handling the phone calls. Best part of Class 4/5 Softswitch’s are they are very Flexible and user friendly.

If you are looking for Softswitch for your business purpose and in that to be in low price, then check the below features which is ought to be there in any Softswitch. There are many Soft-Switches are already available and many are Open Source as well which will cost you nothing, you can simply install the Software and start working however the issue with Open Source we face is whenever we need any kind of customization or want any new feature to be added then we have to pay particular amount to company to get that feature. It’s better to go with System which already has all the features which you may not require while starting a business however you will need that after sometime. So before choosing check the below features are available in the system or not, below stated characteristics are basic and should have in any Softswitch.
Must Have Features:
·         Compatible with Wholesale & Retail
·         Safe & Secure
·         Integrated Billing
·         SMS with SMS Billing
·         Callshop Solution
·         Calling Card System
·         Reporting System
·         Scalable
·         Real Time Billing
·         Multiple Gateway Support
·         Multi Level Reselling
·         Failover
·         Balance Transfer
·         Customizable
·         Can be changed as per the requirements
All the above features are must have features which you need to check when you go with any kind of Softswitch. So whether you go with Open Source or non Open Source you should know what all you will be getting and what all things are required and can that be customized as per the requirements.  iKcon Infotech deals in all kind of Open Source Softswitches and provides support and customizations. And our products like Callshop Solution, Calling Card System, Class 4 & 5 Softswitch, Customized Mobile Dialer &FreePBX is getting overwhelming response from our existing clients and good feedbacks. For more information you can visit to or email us at


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